"First off, photography credits go to one of my best friends in college, Carly Starnes (http://carlystarnes.wix.com/starnesphotography). One of the best things about going to an art school is that all of my friends are incredibly talented and creative -- and they'll do cool collaborative things with me like this!:) I hope you enjoy these images as much as we enjoyed taking them!
"Anyways, about the customization -- It's all bead embroidery, as I'm sure you can see from the photos. (I was originally going to do mostly thread embroidery with beads as details, but it turns out I'm not quite as talented as the costume embroiderer for Game of Thrones like I thought I was...) I'm not sure if there's a "correct" way to stitch beads, but most of this was done with a long strand of little beads that I sewed to the bra with a separate strand of thread. At first, the scalloped pattern was going to be dragon scales, but after I did some research into fire breathing, I decided it would be more sensible (and more safe) not to quickly try to learn how to breathe fire for just one photoshoot! ;) And since I couldn't bear to be a NON-fire-breathing dragon, I decided they were feathers instead! I ended up feeling like some kind of wicked forest queen, which I suppose is a close second to being a dragon, right?"
"I styled the outfit with a robe I bought at a consignment shop a while back, and a peacock feather collar that my great grandmother made when she was a practicing artist. After she passed away, we inherited a lot of her art and jewellery, and we have as much as we hanging up, but this is the first time in a while that this collar has made it out of the house!"

Have you sent us your customised KMD picture yet - or are you doing the Lady in the Lake competition instead?