What makes KMD special to you? Making you feel special

What makes KMD special to you? Making you feel special

I'm running a writing competition at the moment - just a line, paragraph, however much you want, on what makes KMD special for you.

Here's Meg's answer (not their real name):


"I'm a girl. I have all of the usual insecurities that girls often have but there are other things that attack my self esteem. I have chronic mental health problems, I have survived an abusive marriage, I'm a mother (with the wobbly tummy & tiger stripes) and I have moments when I feel the least desirable creature in the world.

The weapon in my arsenal though is lingerie, especially Kiss Me Deadly.

I can cover my stripes and tuck my tummy away in ribboned high waisted pants. I can feel like a pin-up girl in glamourous, sexy suspenders. And my biggest (& easiest) pick-me-up is my flowing, elegant Elle robe. So Kiss Me Deadly is special because it makes me feel special when so many things are trying to make me feel otherwise."