What makes KMD special to you? A glamorous place to return to

What makes KMD special to you? A glamorous place to return to

I'm running a writing competition at the moment - just a line, paragraph, however much you want, on what makes KMD special for you.

Here's Melanies answer (not their real name):


"I wanted to thank you for all that you do. I live in Madagascar - a place that is weird, wonderful, foreign, and so very far from home. When I wear my (ever growing) KMD collection, I feel strong, powerful, and not quite so lonely - because, as strange as it seems, having nice pants and pretty sleep wear is one familiar thing I can grasp onto when life just seems too strange or too hard. I'm American, but went to Uni in London- so I also feel like the very Britishness of KMD takes me "home" - that is, takes me back to a time and a place where I was very very happy. Literally every time I wiggle myself into a girdle I feel great!

I began my collection for myself, thinking that only I would see it. But I met a wonderful man...and he likes it too! He says that it looks like "me", which is such a compliment when I'm often forced out of necessity to wear boring, basic, tactical, or otherwise "practical" clothing.

I also love reading your KMD blog and your guest columns on the Lingerie Addict. I have learned so much about the industry (fascinating!!) and I always enjoy getting emails and updates from KMD.

So, you are welcome to consider this my entry to the writing competition. But really, it's an over-due thank you note that I probably should have sent a while ago. You probably have no idea, but you really do make my life more fun, more glamorous, and more beautiful. Thank you."