I'm running a writing competition at the moment - just a line, paragraph, however much you want, on what makes KMD special for you.
Here's Diana's answer (not their real name):
"My Kiss Me Deadly things make me feel beautiful. It's as simple as that.
I've lost over 36 kilogrammes (about 75 pounds) in the past few years and because of that my skin has not been very happy with me in some places... Especially my abdomen and upper legs have suffered in the process.
I bought an amazing Vargas girdle and the cupless dress from you and the effect is amazing! Everything is smoothed out so nicely and they really hug my curves.
Now I can finally see my body as it was supposed to be and I love myself more because of it!
Thank you for that and I hope you will keep on creating amazing clothing to make all women look and feel beautiful!"